Parents Portal


Parents Portal


Welcome to Mommie & Me Childcare LLC

General Information

There is 35.00 registration fee for enrollment. Parents are required to attend a consultation in
which the policy will be reviewed and signed off on. Parents will be given an emergency contact
and agreement form, that must be completed in its entirety before the child’s enrollment begins.
Parents will also be required to submit an up to date physical as well as immunization records
before the child begins. All payment agreements and contracts will be discussed in its entirety
and signed off on before enrollment begins. Permission must be signed off for field trips,
administration of first aid, walks, and medication. Our program only administers medication
followed by a doctor’s prescription and directions.

Children will show competency in social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language
development skills.
Children will be enthusiastic and curious learners.
Children will be safe and healthy.

Families will feel welcome in the classroom and school.
Families will work with the school in a meaningful partnership to help their children be
better prepared to learn to read and write.
Families will advocate for their children.

The Funshine Curriculum is used to assist our teachers in planning a classroom and outdoor
environment. A wide variety of learning materials with curriculum goals in mind are provided
so that no matter where the children choose to play, they are learning. The materials are all at
the children’s level in containers or on in adjusted reach, so children can get at them
independently and are able to put the materials away again. Mommie & Me will start running a
STEM program along with going green starting September 2021.
The environment is organized into a variety of interest areas which might include: block, house,
table toys, art, sand & water table, library, music/movement, cooking, computer, outdoors.
These areas support children’s development. A daily schedule is planned. Each teacher arranges
the day to best meet the needs of that group of children. A large part of the child’s day is spent
in play. This is because preschool children learn best by exploring, experimenting and creatively
using their imagination. Through play, children also learn to make choices, learn to share,
practice language, express emotions and develop muscles and coordination. Other parts of the
day will include: tooth brushing, group time, music/movement time, story time, outdoor time,
breakfast, lunch and snack/rest time where applicable.

Our program, in accordance with state child care licensing regulations will provide child care
services without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, disability, sexual
orientation, national origin or ancestry. Reasonable accommodation will be provided for
qualified children with disabilities upon request, as specified under the Americans with
Disabilities Act. As part of the CACFP food Program we will not discriminate. The U.S
Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and
applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender
identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or
parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any
public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or
activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all
programs and/or employment activities.)
Our Program is bound by a behavioral code of ethics that belong to (NAEYC) National
Association for the Education of Young Children and (NAFCC) National Association for Family
Child Care. Our program provides services for infants from 2weeks old to children up until the
age of 13yrs old. Our hours of operation are from 6:30am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday.

Our program has the right to change its hours of operation to fit the needs of parents at its own
discretion if it does not conflict or break existing contractual agreements with outside agencies or
the programs overall operational policies.

Many children with disabilities or other special needs are supported by developmental and
educational professionals such as therapists, teachers and others. Mommie & Me Childcare
welcomes those professionals and works with them to assure the child’s success. The service
provider is encouraged to provide services to the child in the context of the early childhood
classroom environment and the child’s teacher will work with the service provider
collaboratively to determine the best strategies to support the child in the group setting. Mommie
& Me Childcare supports the teacher’s participation in Individualized Family Service Plan
(IFSP) and Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings.

A Teacher’s Assistant is in the classroom and carries out activities under the supervision of the
teacher. The Teacher’s Assistant will have a high school diploma or GED and 50% of assistant
teachers-teacher Assistant will have at least Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) or
equivalent or 100 % of assistant teachers-teacher aides who do not have at least a CDA are
enrolled in a program leading to a CDA or Equivalent, are participating in the program, and are
demonstrating progress toward the CDA or equivalent. The teacher’s Assistant will have
specialized training in early childhood education.

Funshine Curriculum is aligned with the PA Early Learning Standards. It records student
progress in all developmental areas at the beginning, middle and end of the year.
Ages & Stages: ASQ SE Social and Emotional, ASQ-3 Development Forms are filled out by
parents or teachers at the beginning of school year and re-screened as needed. Observational
data provides an ongoing anecdotal record of each child’s progress during daily activities.
Child portfolios are organized by the teaching staff and include assessments, observational data,
and child work samples collected on an ongoing basis. Families are asked to contribute
information about their child’s progress. Young children often show different skills in different
settings. Working together, the teaching staff and families can gather a complete picture of a
child’s growth and development. Conferences are planned throughout the year.

Assessment information will be shared formally with families during Parent Teacher
Conferences in the fall and spring. The preschool teacher will communicate weekly regarding
children’s activities and developmental milestones. Informal conferences are always welcome
and can be requested at any time. If, through observation or information on the Progress Report,
or assessments, the teacher feels that there is a possible issue related to a developmental delay or
other special need, she/he will communicate this to the family during a conference, sharing
documentation of the concern. Suggestions for next steps may include the following, with the
knowledge and consent of the parents. The teacher requests assistance from the regional key and
early intervention specialist. EI engages in problem identification, plan interventions, provide
support, and make outside resources available to those individuals requesting assistance. The
preschool teacher would assist in arranging for developmental screening and referral for
diagnostic assessment when indicated. If a child is determined to need special accommodations,
those accommodations are included in the materials, environment, and lesson plans for that child.
Examples include sign language and visuals for children with hearing impairments or language
delays and behavior plans for children whose behavior does not respond to the typical strategies
used by teaching staff in the classroom.

Before children arrive at school, the preschool teacher will complete the following daily safety
checklist indoor and outdoor. Please refer to Mommie & Me Childcare Supervision Policy. No
child will be left unsupervised while attending the program. Staff will supervise primarily by
sight. Supervision for short intervals by sound is permissible if teachers check every two to three
minutes on children who are out-of-sight (e.g. those who can use the toilet independently, who
are in the library area, etc.)

There is 35.00 registration fee for enrollment. Parents are required to attend a consultation in which the
policy will be reviewed and signed off on. Parents will be given an emergency contact and agreement
form, that must be completed in its entirety before the child’s enrollment begins. Parents will also be
required to submit an up to date physical as well as immunization records before the child begins. All
payment agreements and contracts will be discussed in its entirety and signed off on before enrollment
begins. Permission must be signed off for field trips, administration of first aid, walks, and medication.
Our program only administers medication followed by a doctor’s prescription and directions.

Mommie & Me Childcare welcomes all children and is committed to providing developmentally
appropriate early learning experiences to each child. We believe that each child is unique, and
we will partner with families and other professionals to support the growth of each child
so that they will reach their fullest potential. Our program provides all children, including those
with disabilities and unique learning needs. Modifications are made in the environment and
staffing patterns to include children with special needs. Staff are aware of the identified needs of
individual children and are trained to follow through on specific intervention plans. It is our
belief that inclusion in our program will enrich the experience for teachers, students, other
children and their families. All accommodations will be aligned with the Americans with
Disabilities Act accessibility requirements.

“Suspension and expulsion are actions adults take that greatly impact children. We can work
together to ensure both children and teachers have the support they need to build great
relationships, and remain a part of their early learning community”
Mommie & Me Childcare will establish fair and appropriate practices within our policies that
will be aligned with the latest law. Our teachers will be highly skilled and will receive support
through education and technical assistance. Mommie & Me Childcare fosters family
partnerships in supporting children. Our program will set goals and track data. We will make a
commitment to ensuring all children have the support they need and deserve to avoid suspension
and expulsion.
If a child is experiencing unique needs and experiencing challenging behaviors Our program will
be reaching out for program support from the local EI Services Provider or Regional Key:

CONNECT Helpline for
Referral: 1-800-692-7288*

If the child is already receiving EI Services, the IFSP/IEP Team will respond by adding
a previously unidentified behavior to the IFSP/IEP or work with staff to develop or share
strategies. If the child has not previously been evaluated for EI services, they will be contacted to
work with the child’s family to schedule an EI evaluation. The child will either receive
EI Services, or the EI evaluator will assist the family in accessing other supports.
If the child has previously been evaluated for EI Services and does not qualify Mommie & Me
Childcare will Contact EI services with concerns and ask about re-evaluation. In the interim our
program will continue to work with the Regional Key to receive appropriate program supports.

Attempt to defuse the situation through redirection of behavior. To redirect the behavior staff
will attempt to understand the dilemma, come up with possible ways to adjust the situation, and
offer the best solution to deter the challenging behavior. Next the behavior will be documented.
Then the parent or guardian will be notified of the behavior through phone call or conference.
Possible ways to further prevent the challenging behavior from reoccurring will be discussed and
implementation of deterrence actions will be followed at home and in the program.
If challenging behaviors continue in the program and prevention plans are not effective, referral
services to Early Intervention will be utilized. Mommie & Me Childcare will exhaust all means
to prevent suspension and expulsion. However, if the challenging behaviors of the child become
exhausting and are causing our staff time away from supporting other children, our program will
have to act on its best judgment for the best possible outcome of the child and the program.

IEP OR IFSP written plans, and/or special needs assessments, with family permission, are
appropriately utilized to inform individualized instruction. It is recommended that the child’s
teacher participate in the IEP/IFSP meeting which must include family members, early childhood
teacher, EI specialist, and the director or administrator.

Confidentiality applies to all verbal and written information about potential, enrolling
and previously enrolled children and their families. All staff will be briefed on the need for
confidentiality and will be expected to fulfill their obligation to respect the protection of privacy.
Written records will be stored in a secure location with access limited to the director and the
child’s teacher. No information will be released about a child and the parent/legal guardian
during enrolment or transition to another receiving program or school without first receiving the
written permission of the parent/guardian. This excludes the responsibility held by early
childhood educators as mandated reporters of suspected child abuse and neglect as outlined in
Pennsylvania Law or when information is subpoenaed by the court.

Mommie & Me Childcare acknowledges and respects the priorities each family has for their
Families are encouraged and supported to collaborate with staff to ensure that each child has
an opportunity for optimum success. Mommie & Me Childcare will communicate with each
family daily and conduct regular meetings to discuss the child’s strengths and challenges.
Professional Development and Staff Training is provided to ensure that all staff are comfortable,
confident and competent to meet the developmental and educational needs of all children.
The director provides additional support and resources as appropriate.

A consistent daily schedule is planned to offer a balance of learning activities. Learning is both
formal and informal. Play is planned for every day. Listening is balanced with talking, group
activities with solitary time, indoors with outdoors, quiet play with noisy play. Your child will
have the opportunity for the following types of activities every day:
*Group times, including large and small group learning opportunities
*Choice Time
*math and literacy activities
*Outdoor/gross motor opportunities
*Quiet time
Lesson plans for each week are posted in the classroom showing how these activities are
incorporated into the daily schedule. Weekly notes will be sent home to families in children’s
backpacks and electronically, if parents desire.

The that assessment of young children should be purposeful, developmentally appropriate, and
take place in the natural setting by familiar adults. The results will be used for planning
experiences for the children and to guide instruction. Assessment will never be used to label
children or to include or exclude them from a program. A family’s culture and a child’s
experiences outside the school setting are recognized as being an important piece of the child’s
growth and development. All results will be kept confidential, placed in each child’s file, and
stored in a secure filing cabinet.

Mommie & Me Childcare will be using the Business Assessment Scale to maintain high quality.
BAS is used to collect information about the quality of business and professional practices in
family child care settings. The BAS can be used for self-assessing. Family child care providers
can gain valuable information about their business and professional practices. The feedback can
be used to increase the quality of the program. It helps a program take a deeper look into the
 Qualifications and Professional Development
 Income and Benefits
 Work Environment
 Fiscal Management


 Recordkeeping
 Risk Management
 Provider-Parent Communication
 Community Resources
 Marketing and Public Relations
 Provider as Employer

Our program, in accordance with state child care licensing regulations will provide child care services
without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin
or ancestry. Reasonable accommodation will be provided for qualified children with disabilities upon
request, as specified under the Americans with Disabilities Act. As part of the CACFP food Program we
will not discriminate. The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers,
employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability,
sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or
parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public
assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity
conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or
employment activities.)

Child Guidance and Discipline

Mommie and Me Childcare has written personnel policies that define the roles and
responsibilities, qualifications, and specialized training required of staff and volunteer positions.
The policies outline nondiscriminatory hiring procedures and policies for staff evaluation.
Policies detail job descriptions for each position, including reporting relationships; salary scales

with increments based on professional qualification, length of employment, and performance
evaluation; benefits; and resignation, termination, and grievance procedures. Personnel policies
provide for incentives based on participation in professional development opportunities. The
policies are provided to each employee upon hiring.
Hiring procedures include completion of the following checks: criminal-record check, free from
history of substantiated child abuse or neglect check, education credentials, verification of age,
completion of high school or GED, personal references and a current health assessment.

Mommie & Me Childcare will use discipline of children which provides for positive guidance,
with direction for resolving conflict and the setting of well-defined limits. The written policy
shall be provided to staff at the start of employment and to parents at time of admission. The center shall not use the following as a form of discipline:
a. Corporal punishment including spanking, shaking, and slapping.
b. Punishment which is humiliating or frightening, or which caused pain or discomfort to the
child. Children shall never be locked in a room, closet, box or other device. Mechanical
restraints shall never be used as a form of discipline. When restraints are part of a treatment plan
for a child with disability authorized by the parent and a psychologist or psychiatrist, staff shall
receive training on the safe and appropriate use of the restraint.
c. Punishment of threat of punishment associated with at child’s illness, lack of progress in toilet
training, or in connections with food or rest.
d. No Child shall be subjected to verbal abuse, threats or derogatory remarks about the child or
the child’s family.
Teaching staff will equitably use positive guidance, redirection, planning to prevent problems.
They will encourage appropriate behavior using consistent clear rules and involving children in
problem solving to foster the child’s own ability to become self-disciplined. Where the child
understands words, discipline will be explained to the child before and at the time of any
disciplinary action. Teaching staff will encourage children to respect other people, to be fair,
respect, property and learn to be responsible for their actions. Teaching staff will use discipline
that is consistent, clear, and understandable to the child. They will help children learn to persist
when frustrated, play cooperatively with other children, use language to communicate needs, and
learn turn taking.

The teaching staff in the preschool is highly trained, responsive, respectful, and purposeful.
Mommie & Me Childcare fosters the suspension and expulsion policy. We will do our best to
avoid suspension and expulsion. The teachers anticipate and take steps to prevent potential
challenging behaviors. They evaluate and change their responses based on individual needs.
When children have challenging behaviors, teachers promote pro-social behavior by: Interacting
in a respectful manner with all children, Modeling turn taking and sharing as well as caring
behaviors, Helping children negotiate their interactions with one another and with shared
materials, Engaging children in the care of their classroom and ensuring that each child has an
opportunity to contribute to the group, Encouraging children to listen to one another and helping
them to provide comfort when others are sad or distressed.
Teaching staff will guide children to develop self-control and orderly conduct in relationship to
peers and adults. Children will be taught social, communication, and emotional regulation skills.
If a child displays persistent, serious, and challenging behavior, the teaching staff, parents, and
EI support staff will work as a team to develop and implement an individualized plan that
supports the child’s inclusion and success.
Aggressive physical behavior toward staff or children is unacceptable. Teaching staff will
intervene immediately when a child become physically aggressive to protect all the children and
encourage more acceptable behavior.

Attitudes about food develop early in life. The food children eat affects their well-being, their
physical growth, their ability to learn, and their overall behavior. We have an opportunity to
help children learn about foods, to enjoy a variety of foods from their own culture and others,
and to help them begin to appreciate that their bodies need to be strong, flexible, and healthy.
Our program participates in the CACFP nutrition program. Two meals and one snack shall be
provided by the program at the scheduled times. If your child will not arrive during these meal
time it is your responsibility to feed them. Scheduled times are posted.
• All food is prepared, served, and stored in accordance with the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines.
• Clean, sanitary drinking water is made available to children throughout the day.
• Staff discards any foods with expired dates.
• Foods that are hotter than 110 degrees Fahrenheit are kept out of children’s reach.
• Foods requiring refrigeration will be kept cold until served.

• All food and beverages brought from home are labeled with the child’s name and the
date. (Must be approved by Director and or written notice from Dr.), other than that NO
• Food that comes from home for sharing among the children must be either whole fruits or
commercially prepared packaged foods in factory-sealed containers.
Since Family style meal service is not allowed at this time, food will be prepared and
served to each child with an adult eating with children this will help children learn self-
help and socializing skills. Each childpours their own drink as it is passed around the
table. Table conversation about the child’s total experience should be encouraged.
Mealtime is usually about 20 – 30 minutes in length. Children are encouraged to take
responsibility for cleaning their own spills and clearing their dishes when done eating.
Teachers establish their own rules for excusing from the table and clean up.

For each child with special health care needs, food allergies, or special nutrition needs, the
child’s health care provider should provide the program in individualized care plan prepared in
consultation with family members and specialist involved in the child’s care.
Children with food allergies shall be protected from contact with the problem food. With family
consent, the program posts information about the child’s allergies in the food preparation area
and in areas of the facility the child uses to serve as a visual reminder to all adults who interact
with the child during the day. Program staff will keep a daily record documenting the type and
quantity of food a child consumes when any child with a disability has special feeding needs and
provide parents with that information.

Your child will be learning through creative, active play that can sometimes be messy. Your
child should wear comfortable, washable clothing as well a rubber-soled and closed-toe shoes
suitable for running and climbing to help ensure your child’s safety in his/her motor play. While
we encourage the use of paint smocks or shirts during art projects, we can’t guarantee that spills
or stains will not occur. Clothing should be free of words, graphics, or pictures that are profane,
immoral, illegal, or disruptive in nature. Please clearly label the clothing with your child’s name
to reduce the possibility of mistakes. Children are expected to come with appropriate clothing to
be outside for play time. During winter months coats, hats, mittens, snow pants and boots are
necessary. Please mark each item of clothing with your child’s name in more than one place on
the item.
All children will go outside for at least a few minutes of play time if the wind chill or
temperature is above 10 degrees Fahrenheit. A doctor’s order may be requested when you feel it
is necessary to keep a child inside for more than one day.
Your child should not worry about getting their clothes dirty. All families are asked to provide
an extra set of clothes for your child to change into in case of spills, accidents or after wet play.

Student records containing personally identifiable information, except for directory information,
are confidential. Only persons, including employees, who have a legitimate educational interest,
can access a student's records without the parent's permission. Parents may access, request
amendments to, and copy their child's records during regular office hours
Parents or guardians will be asked to sign a release of information form should they or the school
request information be shared with another agency, stating to whom the information is to be
released, the reason or purpose for the release of information, when it expires, and ways the
parents can withdraw permission if they choose to do so.

Mommie & Me Childcare is committed to promoting wellness and to safeguard the health and
safety of children and adults who participate in our program. To provide a safe and secure
environment for every child and adult, we follow guidelines required by the Caring for Our
Children Standards, regulatory agencies and pediatric authorities in the field.

For the health and safety of all the children, it is mandatory that sick children not be brought to
school. If your child has any of the following symptoms during the night, he or she will not be
admitted the following morning for the safety of the other children.
• fever greater than 100 degrees F
• vomiting
• diarrhea
• pink eyes with drainage
• cough with congestion and excessive nasal discharge
The center’s established policy for an ill child’s return:
• Fever free for 24 hours
• Chicken pox: one week after onset (or when lesions are crusted)
• Strep: 24 hours after initial medication
• Vomiting/Diarrhea: 24 hours after last episode
• Conjunctivitis: 24 hours after initial medication or when without drainage

When a child develops signs of an illness during their day at preschool, parents, legal guardians,
or another person authorized by the parent will be notified immediately to pick up the child. For
this reason, please be sure that we have current, accurate phone numbers for you, your authorized
emergency contact person and your child’s pediatrician. In the meantime, we will provide the
child a place to rest until the parent, legal guardian or designated person arrives under the
supervision of someone familiar with the child. If the child is suspected of having a contagious
disease, then until she or he can be picked up, the child is located where new individuals will not
be exposed.

Administration of Medication
No medication shall be dispensed to any student unless the medication must be prescribed by a
licensed medical or osteopathic physician or dentist. A statement of the physician’s directions
requesting the specific medication to be dispensed, and the time at which it is to be dispensed at
school must be filed at the school, in the building where it is to be dispensed. This statement
must be accompanied by the physician’s description of the anticipated reactions of the pupil to
the medication. The parent or guardian must sign a request to have this prescribed medication
dispensed to the child according to the written directions of the prescribing physician or dentist.
The prescription and the parent’s signed request to dispense the medication are to be kept on file
in the office from which the medication will be dispensed. The medicine shall be maintained in
the original prescription container which shall be labeled with:
name of pupil,
name of medication
directions for use
name of physician or dentist
 name and address of pharmacy
 date of prescription.

Digital Technology provides an outlet for children to demonstrate their creativity and learning.
Mommie & Me Childcare will allow children to explore digital material in the context of human
interactions, with an adult as mediator and co-player. We will allow children to freely explore
touchscreens loaded with a wide variety of developmentally appropriate interactive media
experiences that are well designed and enhance feelings of success. Digital tools will not be used
in place of comfort or care. Digital tools will be used to store videos, child files, photos,
drawings, used to read e-books, and listen to music.

While the seasons change it is important for us to stay aware of the common illness that are
present that time of the year. We encourage all parents to maintain annual physicals for children
and take advantage of information shared through our program on preventing illness and staying
healthy. Our program will address any health concerns according to American Academy

Pediatrics Association and through Our health consultant. To stay fit and maintain healthy
nutrition you can consult your physician

If additional staff is present, they will be utilized in assisting with breaks in 15-minute
increments or lunches for 1 hr. If no additional staff is present, personal needs will be done in 5-
10-minute increments. Children will be monitored using video cameras. Infants will be placed in
playpens, toddlers will be placed in high chairs, and preschoolers will be sat at the tables.
Lunches will be 1 hr. in the childcare space. No staff shall leave the premises if no additional
staff is present.

There will be a list of community resources made available to parents in the facility. DPW
Regulations will also be available for review.

Our program does not offer payment arrangements under any circumstances. All payments are
required to be paid in full prior to entry and exiting the program. Any child dropped off before
and after their pick-up times are subject to a $1 per minute fee, that must be paid upon pick by
the close of that business day. If not paid your child will not be admitted the next day, and fee’s
will apply. If your co-pay or payment isn’t paid Monday upon drop off a 25.00 fee will be
charged for late payments. Children are not accepted into the program after 9:10am.

Payments are to be made on Mondays during drop off, the start of each week, before services are
rendered. If the parent is receiving subsidized payments, copayment is also due on Monday’s, the
start of the week, before services are rendered. Private paying parents are expected to pay the
programs full cost of tuition whether the child attends or not, until the contract of service has
ended. Parents who receive subsidized payments are required to pay the difference of the total
cost of the programs tuition in addition to their copayment. Program rates are attached. Parents
will have the option of paying weekly or biweekly, biweekly payments must include advanced
payments. Any payments not rendered and any payment contracts prematurely broken are
subject to small claims court and future program disqualification. Along with losing subsidy.
This includes any late fee’s.

The program will promote communication between families and staff by using written notes as
well as informal conversations or e-mail. Families are encouraged to send written notes with
important information so all the staff who work with the child can share the parent’s
communication. Teaching staff will write notes for families no less than weekly. Staff will use
these notes to inform families about the child’s experiences, accomplishments, behavior, and
other issues that affect the child’s development and well-being. Parents are encouraged to
maintain regular, on-going, two-way communication with the teaching staff in a manner that best
meets their needs – email, in person, notes, or phone calls. Communication with the teachers and
other staff will be on going. Two parent teacher conferences are held for children during which
the child’s progress and accomplishments are discussed. The purpose of these conferences is for
the teaching staff to discuss your child’s progress and to assist families in fostering the growth
and development of their children. Conferences are normally held when school begins in
September, January, and May. Confidentiality is always maintained . Whenever you would like
to talk with the teacher concerning your child, please call or request a conference. Newsletters
and notes are sent home regularly with your child. These contain information on classroom
activities, health and nutrition information, facts about community agencies and resources and
information about parent activities and meetings.

Children must be picked up and dropped off by a person at least 18yrs of age and that is listed on
the emergency contact form as a designated person. If anyone other than the designated persons
listed is going to pick up the child, a parent must give a verbal request that shall be documented,
and that person must have valid identification. Parents must adhere to designated drop off and
pick up times, changes to these times must have prior approval. No child will be released to any
adult suspected to be intoxicated or under the influence of any substance.

Parents and legal guardians are always welcome to visit the preschool classroom. As a safety
feature, all parents and visitors will check in with the director. Visitors are asked to please use
discretion about bringing babies and toddlers to school as young children may disrupt class
sessions. Photo identification will be required for any unknown visitor to the classroom.

Students who are enrolled in the Mommie & Me Childcare Preschool Programs are expected to
be in school for the full session and are expected to be punctual in their arrival and departure.
Students are not expected to be absent any more than is necessary for health reasons or
appointments. Irregular attendance interferes with the progress of your child and others as
teachers find themselves taking class time to repeat information and adjust for those students
who have been absent. For safety’s sake, if a student is absent without notification, the school
secretary/teaching staff will attempt to contact the family to verify the child’s absence from
school. Consistent attendance is important for your child to gain the most from our program, to
meet their educational goals and to develop attendance habits that will carry on throughout their
school years. Supporting a child’s daily attendance allows parents to convey a message to their
child that they value education and that school is an important priority. Please call for an absence
no later than 8:30A.M. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE IN BUILDING BEFORE 9:00 am, for
breakfast before 8:00 am

Home-school connections are crucial to the transition to kindergarten or any other program, such
as special education. Mommie & Me Childcare offers Getting to Know You Meetings for
parents to familiarize themselves and the child with the home-based program, from the start. The
child’s family provides the consistency and continuity necessary for a young child to be
successful. Making a change from one program to another can sometimes be difficult for a
young child whether the transition is within the same building or in another location. Teaching
staff will partner with the family to make the transition as smooth as possible by connecting

family members with the next program’s staff. Preschool staff will provide information about
enrollment policies and procedures, program options, and arrange for a classroom visit whenever
possible. Please refer to Mommie & Me Childcare transition policy.

All children must have their physical examination and up to date immunizations before starting
school. Students enrolling for the first time in the district shall also submit a certificate of
immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubeola, and rubella.
Before a child begins the preschool program, health records that document the dates of service
shall be submitted that show the child is current for routine screening tests and immunizations
according to the schedule recommended and published by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
When a child is overdue for any routine health services, parents, legal guardians, or both provide
evidence of an appointment for those services before the child’s entry into the program and as a
condition of remaining enrolled in the program.

Parents, friends, grandparents, and other adults are encouraged to take an active part in the
educational process of the children. We have a volunteer job description that defines the role
and responsibilities of a volunteer. For safety’s sake, if a volunteer will be working with
children, he/she will be expected to execute and submit an affidavit of clearance from all crimes
against a child or families. In addition, no person with a substantiated report of child abuse or
neglect will meet children in the program or have responsibility for children. If a volunteer
works more than 40 hours per month with children, he/she will also need to provide a current
health assessment, not more than one year old.

At least one staff member who has a certificate of satisfactory completion of pediatric first-aid
training, including managing a blocked airway and providing rescue breathing for infants and
children, is always present with each group of children. When a child in the group has a special
health condition that might require CPR, one staff person who has successfully completed
training in CPR is always present in the program.

Our programs goal is providing activities which allow children to enhance their fine motor and
gross motor skills. A portion of our day is spent inside. During our inside time we incorporate
our activities to include special movement. Our planned activities include painting, blocks, and
music movement. Outdoor play may include nature walks, the enclosed yard on site, and visiting
the neighborhood playground. We do not incorporate any screen time and provide children with
healthy and nutritious meals. We learn about our bodies and practice handwashing skills daily.

Here at Mommie & Me Childcare we make every effort to communicate with children and
families whose primary language is not English. Parents are asked to share words in their home
language with their child’s teacher to help make their child feel more comfortable in the
classroom. Teachers will attempt to label some of the classroom materials in the Home Language
of the students. Parents are also encouraged to share books or other materials in their home
language with the class. Non-English-speaking parents are encouraged to bring with them
someone who can help interpret and translate questions, concerns, and documents.

Our program will be utilizing written feedback from enrolled families, quality coaches & T/A,
certification representatives, peer support network, and community of practice. All staff will be
allowed the opportunity to discuss areas of strengths and opportunities for growth with
supervisors and/or peers.

Emergency Closing will be made to each parent by telephone at the programs earliest
convenience. Parent may also listen to the radio and watch the new for emergency closings in the
event phone calls are able to be made. Please note that emergency closures still require payment.
Emergency preparedness plans are on site and reviewed accordingly. Please refer to Mommie &
Me Childcare Emergency Plan.

Here at Mommie & Me Childcare we encourage leadership and engaging in best practices. Our
staff are expected to familiarize themselves with the program parent handbook, regulations,
amended policies, procedures, and required trainings. Staff can familiarize themselves with
policies and procedures throughout the day during their employment. Staff shall have complete
access to these documents. They will be reviewed during the hiring process, posted in the
program space, and publicly accessible on state websites.
 Review and adhere to the code of ethics
 Review and implement child staff ratio regulations
 Review and implement health and safety policies
 Review and implement cell phone policy
 Review and implement child abuse and neglect regulations
 Review and implement program schedule
 Review and implement inclusion policy
 Review and implement suspension and expulsion policy
 Review and implement parent handbook
 Review and implement Keystone Star requirements on staff trainings
 Review and implement CACFP requirements

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